An Anglo Indian means a person whose father or any of whose other male progenitors is or was of European descent, but who is domiciled within the territory of India and is or was born within such territory of parents habitually resident therein and not established there for temporary purposes only. – Art.366(2) of the Indian Constitution. The All India Anglo Indian Association, Patna Branch is the oldest Branch in the state of Bihar. It dates back to some time in 1930 when it had members from all over Bihar which included parts of the newly formed state of Jharkhand. Since the Patna branch was a big branch, in the mid 1970’s the members residing in Danapur and Khagaul, which is approximately 10-15 km away from Patna, decided to form a new branch and named it the Danapur Branch. The Patna branch is an active branch which has its regular meetings and organizes different competitions from time to time. The activities are well reported in the media which includes the English as well as the Hindi local dailies.

This website has been designed for information and to keep in touch with the members of the Anglo Indian community around the world. Though the community is microscopic yet it is vibrant. Today’s Anglo Indian has a fixed vision and is focusing on the future. The Anglo Indian boys and girls are doing well and are making us proud in nearly all spheres of life.

Kindly send in important information and pictures related to the Patna Branch so that we may incorporate them in this website